A look at the best news photos from around the world.
30 mars 2016

Three Asian lion cubs sit next to their mother Lorena while being presented to the public at the Planckendael Park in Mechelen, Belgium.

អ្នកគាំទ្រក្រុមកីឡាបាល់ទាត់ប្រទេសម៉ិកស៊ិកកំពុងដើរនៅទីលានក្រហមក្នុងទីក្រុងមូស្គូ ក្នុងព្រឹត្តិការណ៍បាល់ទាត់ពិភពលោក នៅប្រទេសរុស្ស៊ី។

Republican presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas reacts to a poster displayed by moderator Rebecca Hagelin during a campaign stop in Madison, Wisconsin.

Pakistani Christians hold candles during a vigil for victims of a deadly suicide bombing last Sunday, in Lahore.