7 NËNTOR 2013

A woman takes pictures in front of a line of policemen blocking protesters against an amnesty bill, on the main road near the government and parliament buildings in central Bangkok, Thailand. The Thai Senate will likely reject an amnesty bill which critics say is aimed at bringing back convicted former premier Thaksin Shinawatra from exile, the Senate Speaker said.

Five Thousand-year-old human bones are on display during the preparations for the exhibition ' 3,300 BC - Mysterious Stone Age dead persons and their world' in the State Museum of Prehistory in Halle, central Germany.

Former U.S. President Bill Clinton greets former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright on stage at the Annual Freedom Award Benefit Event hosted by the International Rescue Committee at the Waldorf-Astoria in New York, Nov. 6, 2013. This year's event honored philanthropist and businessman, George Soros.

Turkish riot police use tear gas and water cannon to disperse Turkish-Kurd demonstrating on the Turkish side as Syrian Kurds gather on the other side of the border in Mardin's Nusaybin district, Turkey. Kurdish people protest against the construction by the Turkish government of a 2.5-kilometer-long wall along the border.