A bleak winter beckons for many refugees and migrants trapped in Greece, with thousands left vulnerable to the elements. Aid organizations are offering winter assistance to those stuck in the country since the closure of the Balkan route last spring.
Migrantët në Greqi përgatiten për sezonin e dimrit

In Greece, the quality of facilities varies between one refugee camp and another, leading to calls to move refugees from substandard camps into better ones. (J. Owens for VOA)

A meal is prepared in Schisto camp. In northern Greece, thousands of refugees live in tents in warehouses, prompting space fears over increasing use of fires over the winter in a confined space. (J. Owens for VOA)

The UN agency responsible for refugees - named the UNHCR - is leading winterization efforts, but a spokesman admits progress has been slow. (J. Owens for VOA)

Two youngsters in a tent in Schisto camp. It is expected that the tents in this camp will be replaced by containers in the coming weeks. (J. Owens for VOA)