Kardinali katolik Blase Cupich i Dioqezës së Çikagos kryesoi marshimin që u zhvillua me thirrjet paqe në këtë qytet të prekur nga dhuna e bandave dhe rrjeteve kriminale që ka marrë jetë të shumta.
Marshim për Paqe në Çikago

Participants march for peace in a prayer walk, April 14, 2017, through one Chicago neighborhood hit hard by gun violence, the Englewood neighborhood on Chicago's South Side.

A young man makes a heartfelt plea for an end to shootings in his neighborhood, Englewood, as Chicago area church leaders look on, April 14, 2017.

Cardinal Blase Cupich of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Chicago leads a prayer walk for peace through the Englewood neighborhood, which is regularly the scene of gun violence, Chicago's South Side, April 14, 2017.

Women step out of a neighborhood hair salon to cheer on participants of a prayer walk marching for peace in their neighborhood, Englewood, on Chicago's South Side, April 14,2017. The area is regularly hit with gun violence.